To foster education about aluminum foil containers, AFCMA created a video that acts as an outstanding educational and reference tool.
This video gives a detailed description of the entire aluminum process, from mining the bauxite to stamping finished aluminum foil containers.
It also reviews the many benefits of aluminum as a superior packaging material. You can watch the video right here in our media section.

If you’d like to learn even more about aluminum foil containers, order our educational CD-Rom. It’s packed with extra information about the features and benefits of aluminum.

To request your free CD-Rom, fill out our contact form.

Aluminum is more than three times more valuable than the next most valuable recyclable material.

Aluminum’s microwavability permits fast and flexible food preparation.

Industry News

We stay connected to the industry so that we can keep our customers informed of product innovations and fluctuations in the aluminum market.  Please visit our site for important industry news and AFCMA updates.

December 30, 2024
Antidumping Memorandum

Kelley Drye issued a memorandum summarizing the countervailing duty rates that currently apply to imports of disposable aluminum containers, the rates that will be announced in the U.S. Department of Commerce’s final determinations and the periods during which such rates will affect U.S. imports of disposable aluminum containers. It also contains information regarding circumvention and evasion activities, as well as the timing of any such remedies that the Commerce Department may establish.

Click here to view read the complete memorandum.

December 20, 2024
Preliminary Dumping Margins

The U.S. Department of Commerce recently made available a list of the exporters, producers and dumping margins it has identified in its investigation in the anti-dumping duty of disposable aluminum containers from China.

Click here to view the Department of Commerce’s preliminary determination.

October 31, 2024
Preliminary CVD Margins

We just received very good news from the Commerce Department of the following preliminary subsidy margins in the countervailing duty investigation:

Zhejiang Acumen Living Technology Co., Ltd.:   312.91 %
Henan Aluminium Corporation:    78.12 %
All Others:   78.12 %

The Commerce Department has also reached an affirmative preliminary critical circumstances determination for all Chinese exporters and producers, meaning these cash deposit rates will be retroactive by 90 days for all imports of subject merchandise.  The Commerce Department will post the preliminary Federal Register notice and accompanying decision memorandum later today with further details on their findings.

For more information regarding these findings or to view the press release, click here.